Last Chance for Summer, 2014
At the Fort Sheridan Beach

Isaac and Judy, Fort Sheridan Beach, Summer 2014


Lucky us! Last Monday, Judy and I got the chance to watch Isaac for a couple of hours in the AM. We had enough time to walk around with him at the quiet and relatively remote Fort Sheridan Beach.   It was a great way to take advantage of one of the final days of this summer.
Needless to say, Isaac is adorable and fun. And we all had a good time throwing stones, dipping our toes in the water, and just walking along the sandy beach.
Just like our kids and his older brothers, he’s getting used to me! I don’t know how many times he said, “One more” to me as I was taking photos of him. But he’s very agreeable and photogenic…and full of curiosity and energy.

Isaac and Judy, Fort Sheridan Beach, Summer 2014


And, of course, I love getting Judy into the scenes, too. So touching for me to see them both in these shots!

Isaac and Judy, Fort Sheridan Beach, Summer 2014

Isaac and Judy

Isaac and Judy, Fort Sheridan Beach, Summer 2014

Isaac and Judy

I am not claiming to be an expert on child photography, but I learned a long time ago that is might improve your images if you get down a little lower when shooting pictures. The perspective of being “at their level” seems to be a bit more pleasing and flattering for them, at times. I try to remember that.

Isaac and Judy, Fort Sheridan Beach, Summer 2014


Sorry to see this summer end….it was a good one! I suppose I’ll have some fall shots here sometime soon!

Isaac and Judy, Fort Sheridan Beach, Summer 2014



Isaac and Judy, Fort Sheridan Beach, Summer 2014, Throwing Stones

Isaac and Judy




















-Stephen M. Levin

“My Mind’s Eye”


SML Photography