Rockefeller Preserve, Jackson Hole, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, Phelps Lake

Rockefeller Preserve

Skies, Lakes with Clear Water…and Mountains
Jackson Hole, Wyoming

I am a firm believer that there are potential photos all around, all the time.  Having said that…. Jackson Hole (Wyoming) is a special place! Thanks to the abundance of big, dramatic skies, still lakes with crystal clear water, and an absolutely stunning mountain range (the Grand Tetons), it’s fun to go out with a camera (or two!) in hand.  Every turn of the head is a new treat!

Ever been there? If not, you may want to add it to your bucket list!

Jackson Lake, Jackson Hole, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Jackson Lake

Jackson Lake, Jackson Hole, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Jackson Lake

Jackson Hole, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, Jackson Lake Dam, Snake River

Dam on the Snake River

Jackson Lake, Jackson Hole, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

On the road in Grand Teton National Park

-Stephen M. Levin
“My Mind’s Eye”



SML Photography